St Michael’s Online Community

Welcome to you, part of our growing online community !

🤔 Thinking Face emoji Meaning |

Thank you for subscribing to the YouTube channel, and for exploring a bit more …

I hope to develop this section of the website to provide some links and opportunity to explore, so if you have suggestions or questions of things that you’d find helpful please feel free to get in touch.

So, a few links to help ….

If you want to find out a little more about Jesus,  this might help  … here

or if you haven’t found the YouTube channel yet, with links to all the services and midweek reflections, try this


Or if you want something each morning to help you on your way, Pray As You Go is an app you can download or watch online


For those who’d like to explore faith a bit more, here is a link to the first of the Alpha film series videos on YouTube  … it’s a great series of films and it might be fun to start an online group (or even meet in person if you’d like!)