Praying for Each Other

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing “ (MLK)

As the quote below from Martin Luther King reminds us, prayer is a key part of our life together as a church family. There is a prayer board in church, for those who would like to request particular prayer for people, and we have a monthly prayer calendar. You may also find people praying with each other after the services.

Our Prayer Calendar
Our Prayer Calendar is issued on the last Sunday of the month for the following month. Our aim is to include all members of our fellowship on this calendar. We can then use it to include in our daily prayers those people listed on that day. Copies of the calendar are available at the back of church for members to take home and keep in their Bibles, in their daily Bible notes, or perhaps pin up somewhere at home where they are reminded to pray for the people on that particular day. There are contact details on the back page of “Tiddler”.

If you are new to the church, and would like to be included in the Prayer Calendar, please see talk to one of the church leaders at a service, or use the response facility on this website.