“A wedding is one of life‟s great moments
– a time of solemn commitment as well as great joy.”
This is how the marriage service starts … a reminder that the promises we make in marriage are heartfelt and life-changing. And what a celebration! As you make your marriage promises to each other, you are doing so in the presence of God as well as your families and friends.
Before a wedding, there are a multitude of arrangements to make, and we help you through the church service part. The practical details are not the only preparations we help with. There is a weekend course within the Deanery, which many have really enjoyed and found beneficial, as well as special preparation leaflets to think through some of the issues marriage raises, and what it means to get married in church.
If you want to talk to someone about getting married at St Michael’s, please get in touch with Rev Martin Green, who will happily guide you through the process.
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